I've been really thinking about how to handle things as we come up to all the big dates. I'm just trying to prep myself the best I can. I know there is no right or

I've decided that we're going to hold a community blood drive in honor of our precious Brooklyn. As you all know, she had a Congenital Heart Defect and had many blood transfusions during her short time here with us. In an effort to help our community and celebrate Brooklyn's life, I'd love for anyone and everyone to donate the gift of life by donating blood. I've set up the Blood Drive through the Tri-Counties Blood bank. The actual drive will be on Saturday, December 6th from 10am-2pm at the Ralph Dunlap Elementary School parking lot, in Orcutt. More information will follow... but I just wanted you all to mark your calendars so I can count on you to donate! =) The timing of the blood drive is perfect since it's the weekend after her Angel Day and a few weeks before the big holidays. The greatest need for blood generally occurs around the holidays.
My personal goal for Brooklyn's Blood Drive would be 46 donors. Why 46? That is exactly how many days she was with us before she became an angel. If you would like to donate please email me or leave a comment, and I can add you to the list of people to contact when we get the packet with appointment times. If you're not local, I would love for you to contact your local blood bank and give blood in Brooklyn's memory that first week of December. Together we can reach our goal of 46 blood donors and honor little baby Brooklyn. The main reason why people don't donate blood is they are never asked. Well, there are nearly 18,000 hits here on the blog, so I know people are reading this. I'm asking YOU to donate! Save a life and bring meaning to Brooklyn's life.
1 comment:
Hi Kelly,
I got to your blog from Isaac's blog. Can I just tell you what an amazing woman you are? As a nurse I've wondered in the past what people do or feel in situations like yours. I'm sorry, it must truly be hard. Yet I am amazed that you would think of such a wonderful way to celebrate and honor Brooklyn. I will make a point of donating in her honor.
Take care,
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