Each time someone says they would love to give blood it brings a smile to my face. I'm totally up to the challenge of getting 46 donors. Heck, we're half way within the first day of scheduling appointments! Lots of other people I know have said they would like to give, they just need to make an appointment time.
So, this is my official plea to all those loyal blog readers, friends, family, and co-workers. Will you please consider donating blood in memory of Brooklyn? I would love to prove the blood bank wrong when the coordinator said that the goal of 46 donors was pretty high. She totally doesn't know me and know our family. Heck, our little Aubrey has more than 20,000 hits on her blog in less that a year. We can totally do this! So, let's do it! If you haven't already, please contact me to make an appointment to donate blood.
The Blood Drive in Memory of Brooklyn will be held on Saturday, December 6th from 10am - 2pm in the Ralph Dunlap Elementary School parking lot. We will be serving refreshments and you will even get to play with and hold little Aubrey. (Now, doesn't that make the needle prick worth it?) I'll also have a memorial video montage for everyone to view. It's really priceless.
If you're not local, and are unable to make it, I strongly encourage you to make an appointment at your local blood bank to donate in Brooklyn's memory. Saving a life, is saving a life, no matter where you do it. Help your community during the holiday season when the most blood is needed.
Baby Brook-a-lee meant the world to us. She taught us so much during the short time we were able to be with her. Life is too precious to not take advantage of each moment. If you're able to, please donate blood in her honor. You'll be helping bring meaning to her short life while also filling my heart. You all are amazing. Thank you for your constant support, prayers and love throughout this past year.
Jason and I will both be there bright and early!
You're right, that lady at the blood bank has NO idea what you can do......ha!
Hey Kelly, It's Brianne. I can't donate right now and I think I would have to wait 8 weeks after delivery, but Patrick said he would love to donate in Brooklyn's honor and will be going in December to do so. Good luck with the 46 people...it looks like you are well on your way!
I donated tonight all the way in NJ in memory of Brooklyn:-)
(from MAIVF board)
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