The very next day Brooklyn took a turn for the worse. No one really understood what happened and why. Her urine output pretty much stopped. Her kidneys started to shut down and she began to swell again. When I heard this news I cut my visit with Aubrey short and immediately made the drive back up to Stanford. Andy followed me up so we could be together.
When we arrived I was stunned at Brooklyn's appearance. She had made so much improvement before I left and when we came back two days later, she was nearly unrecognizable. Her poor little body had begun to swell and her eyes were the size of golf balls. They were now unable to check her pupils since they were swollen shut. I was visibly upset and not prepared for her condition. I couldn't understand how it happened so quickly. But... things can change in a heartbeat in the hospital, and I should have known that.
Andy was able to stay one more day, but he had to return to work for the following day. His work was short on drivers and he was told he needed to return. I'll never forget how angry I was about this. Here our little girl was in critical condition and he had to go to work!?! I called my sister Lynnette to come be with me. I couldn't be alone at this point. I needed moral support. She dropped everything and they basically traded places.
Apparently at this point I was in denial about Brooklyn and her status. I really thought she'd be okay. I thought she'd turn a corner and improve. I was wrong.
1 comment:
I continue to be amazed at you honesty, beauty and strength.
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers right now.....and often.
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